BK Blog Post
Posted by Charlotte Ashlock, Executive Editor, Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.
Charlotte Ashlock is a crazy idealist trying to make the world a better place!
One of the biggest problems with the world is that there are too many bad people running things, and not enough good people in charge. How would the world be different if our companies and countries were universally led by people you respected? How would things be different if you were in charge?
Who should be the boss? YOU!
Our team has put together a book bundle, which we hope will help you become the boss— at least, in whatever sphere you care to dominate. Because, sometimes things hold people back. You might doubt yourself. You might not know how to network, or pitch yourself, or put yourself forward. But for all that and more, we’ve got a book to help you figure it out. (You can read more about the contents of the book bundle here).
The really exciting part for me, is that we’re selling our Be the Boss book collection through a store which has raised more than $68 million for charity in five years: Humble Bundle. When you purchase the book collection through Humble Bundle, you will get to decide how much you want to pay and where your money goes. That’s right: you decide how your dollars will be split between us (the publisher), Humble Bundle, and the charity.
You can help others along the way
The charity we picked is Worldreader, which has reached over six million readers with a free digital library. Mobile phones are widespread throughout the developing world, so Worldreader’s mobile app can actually reach readers much more cheaply than print books. And of course, more literate societies mean a better world for all of us— literacy increases earning potential, decreases inequality, improves health outcomes and breaks the cycle of poverty.
In other words: the more you read, the more likely you are to become the boss. To that point, here is a quote Worldreader shared with me from Edith: an 18-year old junior in high school who uses Worldreader books. Edith says,
"Reading means a lot to me because as a child when I was growing up, I didn't have a lot of opportunities to read and so I struggled in learning how to read and even write well. As a result of that, I have been trying to improve on myself by reading as much material as I could find...Because in order for me to be a successful woman in the future, I need to better myself in any way I can!"
So when you buy our bundle to help yourself be the boss, you are also helping Edith “be the boss.” You said it, Edith: books are what everyone needs to become more successful in the future. You can learn more about Worldreader by watching the video below.