BK Blog Post
Posted by
David Marshall,
Vice President of Editorial and Digital ,
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.
David Marshall heads the editorial department, which is responsible for 40-50 new titles per year and 5-10 digital products or initiatives.
We've entered the brave new world of mobile apps! BK has recently published Berrett-Koehler Leadership as a mobile app. It includes over 70 bestselling titles on four bookshelves: 1) BK Business, 2) BK Life, 3) BK Currents, and 4) Enhanced Editions. The app itself is free with in-app purchases possible if you want to read one of the titles on the built-in e-reader. The app is available on Apple App Store (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch), Google Play (Android smart phones and tablets), and coming soon on the Windows App Store. This new digital product supports one of our company's strategic initiatives: to connect more closely with our customers. The app allows readers to rate the books, comment, and interact with other readers and BK staff members while reading the book. This way we can publish even better books in the future.
Please poke around one or more of these three links above and let me know what you think. Thanks in advance.