Make breakthroughs in project quality by combining project management with quality management!
How can you reframe your understanding of partnership to make your organization thrive?
How can you apply the principles of a complex living system to your business organization?
Why are some people more successful in business- and how can you be one of the successful ones?
This is the only book that makes all planning methods and tools available to project managers at all levels easy to under...
Learn new perspectives on how to apply the WBS to today's different types of projects for results!
Apply today's best practices for managing information, processes and people to maximize success within the constraints of...
Gain the insight you need to clarify real requirements before you initiate project work
Need help determining the effectiveness of your management? Use this tool to understand the ins and outs of project measu...
Improve the accuracy of project estimates and make better in-progress modifications by following the discipline-independe...
Do you want to give your company a special edge in the competition for talent?