Berrett-Koehler Best Books

Chosen parameters. Best Books in: BK Business,

Showing 31-36 of 820

Brilliance by Design
By Vicki Halsey

Do you want to engage the people you're speaking to in a way that brings out their inherent brilliance?

Built To Love
By Peter Boatwright, Jonathan Cagan

How can you create products and services which really connect with a customer's emotions?

The Blind Men and the Elephant
By David Schmaltz

What can you do to make your team project flow smoothly when everyone only sees their own piece of it?

The Art of Business
By Stan Davis, David McIntosh

How can the artistic flow of the creative process be used to great effect in BK Business?

Memoirs of a Recovering Autocrat
By Richard Hallstein

How can you manage your inner control freak?

The Beauty of the Beast
By Geoffrey Bellman

How can we imagine the organizations we would be proud to create?


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