Berrett-Koehler Best Books

Chosen parameters. Best Books in: BK Currents,

Showing 7-12 of 172

By Howard Karger

How can we stop the businesses that prey on the vulnerable & trap them in perpetual debt?

What The U.S. Can Learn From China
By Ann Lee

How can the U.S. learn and implement China's most successful policies, and why should we?

Spiritual Capital
By Danah Zohar, Ian Marshall

What would capitalism that respected all living beings look like?

Insult To injury
By Ray Bourhis

How can we stop the health insurance industry from running roughshod over its sick customers?

99 to 1
By Chuck Collins

Would you like to know the true story behind the USA's dire income inequality?

The Living Universe
By Duane Elgin

Don't you feel like there's more to the universe than inert matter & empty space?


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