Berrett-Koehler Best Sellers

Chosen parameters. Best Sellers in: BK Professional,

Showing 1-6 of 127

The Business of Government
By Thomas G. Kessler, Patricia A. Kelley

Your guide to a new breed of business planning!

Acquisition Management
By R. M. Engelbeck

Acquisition Management is the first step-by-step guide to the government's new strategies and methods for procurement.

Performance Oriented Management
By Larry Pederson

Learn to use performance as a means of inspiring your team towards success in program management!

Managing Project Integration
By Denis F. Cioffi

Apply today's best practices for managing information, processes and people to maximize success within the constraints of...

Effective Work Breakdown Structures
By Gregory T. Haugan

Learn new perspectives on how to apply the WBS to today's different types of projects for results!

Project Planning and Scheduling
By Gregory T. Haugan

This is the only book that makes all planning methods and tools available to project managers at all levels easy to under...


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