Berrett-Koehler Best Sellers

Showing 277-282 of 1395

Green Deen
By Ibrahim Abdul-Matin

Did you know environmentalism is an important part of Islam?

Creative Community Organizing
By Si Kahn

Can community organizing be a way of thinking and a way of life? What can make it energizing and fun?

Managing for People Who Hate Managing
By Devora Zack

Do you find managing stressful?

Human Resource Management in the Knowledge Economy
By Mark Lengnick-Hall, Cynthia A. Lengnick-Hall

What if HR departments managed more than people- managed human capital & knowledge?

Mission, Inc.
By Kevin Lynch, Julius Walls, Jr.

What makes the difference between success and failure for a social enterprise?

World Class Diversity Management
By Roosevelt Thomas

How can you enable the development of a truly world-class diversity management capability?


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