Kevin Cashman's Page

Inclusive Conversations

"What is impressive is not only how Winters builds a case for the urgency and need for bold, inclusive conversations but ...

Subtle Acts of Exclusion

This practical, accessible, nonjudgmental handbook is the first to help individuals and organizations recognize and preve...

The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety

This book is the first practical, hands-on guide that shows how leaders can build psychological safety in their organizat...

Diversity Beyond Lip Service

"La’Wana Harris has opened this coach’s eyes to the power of coaching practices to create new paths for diversity and inc...

7 Rules for Positive, Productive Change

Change is difficult but essential—Esther Derby offers seven guidelines for change by attraction, an approach that draws p...

Dig Your Heels In

Sought-after speaker and consultant Joan Kuhl arms young women with the tools they need to transform male-dominated corpo...

Compassionate Counterterrorism

Islamist terrorism is not about religion, says Leena Al Olaimy, an Arab Muslim, Dalai Lama Fellow, and social entrepreneu...

Networking for People Who Hate Networking

Most books for people who would rather get a root canal than face a roomful of strangers tell readers how to fight agains...

The Unwritten Rules of Managing Up

“This is a must-read for bosses and subordinates alike, as it exposes our flaws but teaches us how we can work together t...

Bedtime Stories for Managers

In forty-two succinct, surprising essays, legendary scholar Henry Mintzberg brings management down from the clouds and on...

The Critical Few

Without a deep understanding of your company’s culture, any change effort you undertake will fail. Bestselling author Jon...

The Law of Small Things

We are living in a time when dishonesty and duplicity are becoming commonplace. Each of us can fight this cultural corrup...

The Future of Packaging

Tom Szaky sets out to do the impossible – eliminate all waste. This book paints a future of a “circular economy” that rel...

Citizen Capitalism

Top Cornell law professor Lynn Stout and her coauthors Tamara Belinfanti and Sergio Gramitto offer a visionary but practi...

The Eight Essential People Skills for Project Management

Veteran project manager and University of California professor Zachary Wong identifies the eight most common people probl...

Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go

The new edition of a bestselling classic, Help Them or Grow Watch Them Grow offers advice on talent retention for the mod...

  • The Global Leadership Dilemma: To Be Inclusive Or Not To Be Inclusive?

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    The Global Leadership Dilemma: To Be Inclusive Or Not To Be Inclusive?

    We are witnessing an impassioned debate playing out in our political and cultural worlds. Should we serve our own interests or broader interests? Should we put America first or the world? Should we place our company interests first, our customers’ interests, or the environment? The answer is "Y...

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    April 19, 2017

  • Four Leadership Remedies For Political Convention Fever

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    Four Leadership Remedies For Political Convention Fever

    Is it any wonder that a good number of people are so disillusioned in this election cycle? But what do these frustrations and disappointments tell us about what we really want, what we hope for in our leaders?

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    July 27, 2016

  • The Four Greatest Leadership Lessons From The Greatest -- Muhammad Ali

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    The Four Greatest Leadership Lessons From The Greatest -- Muhammad Ali

    Many have written that Muhammad Ali transcended sport. To me he did so much more.

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    July 11, 2016

  • "Four Leadership Remedies for Political Convention Fever" -- By Kevin Cashman

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    "Four Leadership Remedies for Political Convention Fever" -- By Kevin Cashman

    The phone rings at 2:00 am and shaking both fear and fog out of my head, I am surprised by the calm voice: A caller “from the capitol in Washington, D.C.” Apparently, there is some concern about the nominating process for the next president of the United States. Peppering me [...]

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    July 11, 2016

  • The New IQ: Integrative Intelligence

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    The New IQ: Integrative Intelligence

    On a recent flight home from Silicon Valley, I was lost in thought about innovation-rich cultures. Too often we think heroic inventors like Steve Jobs or Thomas Edison solely drive big breakthroughs. We create myths about inventive leaders, turning them into icons. In Steven Johnson’s great book...

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    August 12, 2015

  • Has Performance Become Your Purpose?

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    Has Performance Become Your Purpose?

    Purpose is possibly the most elevating force of organizational, team and individual performance. But as important and as expansive as it can be, it can be easily lost in hyperactive distractors and short-term financial pressure. However, it is precisely during these times when we should challeng...

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    June 10, 2015

  • Character-Driven Leadership

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    Character-Driven Leadership

    While most of us whole-heartedly endorse character as critical to leadership, and most of us require it in the leaders we work for and seek out, few of us consciously seek to develop our own character. Despite this, I cannot recall a single leader asking, “Kevin, I have been struggling [...]

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    March 18, 2015

  • The Value Of Stepping Back To Achieve More

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    The Value Of Stepping Back To Achieve More

    (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife) Andy Murray pulled away from the pack this year when he played but lost in the Wimbledon final, then earned Olympic Gold.  But, when he won the 2012 United States Open and became the first British man to win a Grand Slam tennis title [...]

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    March 6, 2015

  • The Three L's of Leadership: Love, Listen and Leap

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    The Three L's of Leadership: Love, Listen and Leap

    (Image credit: AFP/Getty Images via @daylife) During times of knee-buckling, gut-wrenching change, like the recent Super-Storm, Hurricane Sandy, that devastated significant parts of the eastern seaboard, we receive a collective wake-up call about what is most fundamental and enduring in our live...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Six Questions to Elevate Leadership in 2013

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    Six Questions to Elevate Leadership in 2013

    Will you reach new heights in 2013? (Photo credit: brewbooks)   The New Year is a great opportunity to reset your leadership aspirations.  While we step back to think about taking our organizations to higher levels each year, rarely do we step back with the intention of stepping up our own [...]

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    March 6, 2015

  • Three Leadership Renewals for 2013 Move Us from Resolution to Realization

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    Three Leadership Renewals for 2013 Move Us from Resolution to Realization

    Is it truly a new day for your leadership or are you slipping back into old habits? (Photo credit: Wikipedia) February has arrived, and already the New Year’s break and its related resolutions feel like a distant memory.  What were those resolutions again?  Have you plunged back into the hectic,...

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    March 6, 2015

  • The #1 Shift to Move from Management to Leadership

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    The #1 Shift to Move from Management to Leadership

    Cloudy Afternoon Shot (Photo credit: Swami Stream) Converting complexity to clarity may be the most critical competency to move us from management effectiveness to leadership excellence. In his book, Beating the Global Odds, Paul Laudicina, managing partner and chairman of the board of A.T. Kear...

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    March 6, 2015

  • The Five Dimensions Of Learning-Agile Leaders

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    The Five Dimensions Of Learning-Agile Leaders

    Living and leading today are much like swimming in the unpredictable, treacherous Lake Superior, the 4th largest body of fresh water in the world.  We dive into the water, and we never really know what is going to happen next. Although we operate under the illusion that life remains constant, [...]

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    March 6, 2015

  • A Global Leader's Perspective On CEO Leadership: Part One

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    A Global Leader's Perspective On CEO Leadership: Part One

    Daniel Vasella Too often, we read or hear leadership commentary from consultants, researchers, and academics, and less from global leaders. Based on an ongoing series of interviews, we will periodically offer global leaders’ inside vantage point in this column. We begin with Dr. Daniel Vasella, ...

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    March 6, 2015

  • A Global Leader's Perspective On CEO Leadership: Part Two

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    A Global Leader's Perspective On CEO Leadership: Part Two

    In Part Two of my recent conversation with Dr. Vasella, the 17-year chairman and CEO of Novartis, the $60 billion life sciences industry leader, he shares some of his deep understanding of the critical value of self-awareness and introspection. In Part Two of my recent conversation with Dr. Vase...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Quantum Leap Forward Or Back? The Next Global Leadership Conundrum

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    Quantum Leap Forward Or Back? The Next Global Leadership Conundrum

    globes (Photo credit: tuppus) Part I of an Interview with Paul Laudicina Paul Laudicina, Chairman Emeritus, A.T. Kearney, and author of Beating the Global Odds talked with me about global CEO leadership, the challenges of operating in a system characterized by “speed, complexity, and paradox,” a...

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    March 6, 2015

  • A New Value Proposition For CEO Leaders In A More Connected World

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    A New Value Proposition For CEO Leaders In A More Connected World

    globes (Photo credit: tuppus) Part 2: Conversation with Paul Laudicina on Global CEO Leadership Paul Laudicina, Chairman Emeritus, A.T. Kearney, author of Beating the Global Odds, shared with me his astute perspective on a new value proposition for CEO and organization success that requires peri...

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    March 6, 2015

  • 7 Ways Leaders Can Foster Innovation

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    7 Ways Leaders Can Foster Innovation

    Amazon founder Jeff Bezos made waves with his purchase of the Washington Post (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Jeff Bezos’s purchase of The Washington Post has caught our collective attention. We’re eager to see what the Internet entrepreneur, “digital native,” and boundary-breaking trailblazer with a ...

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    March 6, 2015

  • The 5 Principles of No-Regrets Leading and Living

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    The 5 Principles of No-Regrets Leading and Living

    In an article posted September 23, 2013, Arianna Huffington asked, “Are You Living Your Eulogy or Your Resume?” She further prodded, “Have you noticed that when people die, their eulogies celebrate life very differently from the way we define success in our everyday existence?”  Then she mention...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Return On Self-Awareness: Research Validates The Bottom Line Of Leadership Development

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    Return On Self-Awareness: Research Validates The Bottom Line Of Leadership Development

    The phrase nosce teipsum, know thyself, has been a classic theme throughout history.  We discover it in the writings of great thinkers, such as Socrates, Ovid, Cicero, in the sayings of the Seven Sages of Greece, on the entrance to the Temple of Apollo, in early Christian writings, in Vedic [...]

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    March 6, 2015

  • Remembering Warren Bennis: The Father of Leadership Development

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    Remembering Warren Bennis: The Father of Leadership Development

    Warren Bennis touched so many of us so deeply… from students and consultants, to CEOs and U.S. Presidents.  His depth of mind and presence of character set an example for us all.  A young platoon leader in World War II, a provost and a president at universities, and scholar, Warren [...]

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    March 6, 2015

  • Five Enduring Leadership Lessons

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    Five Enduring Leadership Lessons

    With the recent death of Warren Bennis, “the father of leadership,” we have been reflecting on the significance of his passing and what he has “passed along” to all of us. In our work with leaders, if there is an influence that has touched us most profoundly, it is the [...]

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    March 6, 2015

  • Seven Succession Principles to Guide Sustainable Enterprise Success

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    Seven Succession Principles to Guide Sustainable Enterprise Success

    Sustainability has become a multi-dimensional, multi-purpose buzz-word that we hear about everything from agriculture and the environment to the economy and global business enterprises, as well as in reference to our own personal resilience. The word implies many meanings. One is concern for endu...

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    March 6, 2015

  • kevincashman

    Kevin Cashman is now a member of Berrett-Koehler Community

  • Excerpt | Seven Pause Principles | Kevin Cashman

    Kevin Cashman posted a blog post

    Excerpt | Seven Pause Principles | Kevin Cashman

    The Seven Pause Practices Based on extensive interviews and an analysis of a multitude of research and case studies, Kevin Cashman isolated Seven Pause Practices that support the Pause Principle: Step Back to Lead Forward. 1. Be On-Purpose Purpose gives...

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    April 8, 2014

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