Seth Adam Smith's Page

Inclusive Conversations

"What is impressive is not only how Winters builds a case for the urgency and need for bold, inclusive conversations but ...

Subtle Acts of Exclusion

This practical, accessible, nonjudgmental handbook is the first to help individuals and organizations recognize and preve...

The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety

This book is the first practical, hands-on guide that shows how leaders can build psychological safety in their organizat...

Diversity Beyond Lip Service

"La’Wana Harris has opened this coach’s eyes to the power of coaching practices to create new paths for diversity and inc...

7 Rules for Positive, Productive Change

Change is difficult but essential—Esther Derby offers seven guidelines for change by attraction, an approach that draws p...

Dig Your Heels In

Sought-after speaker and consultant Joan Kuhl arms young women with the tools they need to transform male-dominated corpo...

Compassionate Counterterrorism

Islamist terrorism is not about religion, says Leena Al Olaimy, an Arab Muslim, Dalai Lama Fellow, and social entrepreneu...

Networking for People Who Hate Networking

Most books for people who would rather get a root canal than face a roomful of strangers tell readers how to fight agains...

The Unwritten Rules of Managing Up

“This is a must-read for bosses and subordinates alike, as it exposes our flaws but teaches us how we can work together t...

Bedtime Stories for Managers

In forty-two succinct, surprising essays, legendary scholar Henry Mintzberg brings management down from the clouds and on...

The Critical Few

Without a deep understanding of your company’s culture, any change effort you undertake will fail. Bestselling author Jon...

The Law of Small Things

We are living in a time when dishonesty and duplicity are becoming commonplace. Each of us can fight this cultural corrup...

The Future of Packaging

Tom Szaky sets out to do the impossible – eliminate all waste. This book paints a future of a “circular economy” that rel...

Citizen Capitalism

Top Cornell law professor Lynn Stout and her coauthors Tamara Belinfanti and Sergio Gramitto offer a visionary but practi...

The Eight Essential People Skills for Project Management

Veteran project manager and University of California professor Zachary Wong identifies the eight most common people probl...

Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go

The new edition of a bestselling classic, Help Them or Grow Watch Them Grow offers advice on talent retention for the mod...

  • Is The Future Hopeless?

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Is The Future Hopeless?

    The world feels darker these days, doesn’t it? Every day brings a new headline that is seemingly worse than the day before: Politics, disease, war, pollution, terrorism, hacking, natural disasters, school shootings, social upheaval, and a general feeling of fear, rebellion, or outright hatred. ...

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    April 19, 2017

  • How to Find Gold

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    How to Find Gold

    I was born in Anchorage, Alaska and I love the history and symbolism of that northern land. In the nineteenth century, many prospectors came to Alaska to find gold and riches. Few of those people found any gold. But I firmly believe that we have the power to find gold in any situation. I know t...

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    April 19, 2017

  • A World Beyond Our Own

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    A World Beyond Our Own

    I think that the Great Depression and World War II are remarkable times in history. They’re remarkable because they prove that the very worst things can happen and yet, there’s still hope. That hope, however, is dependent upon our ability to see a world beyond our own—to see a world beyond ours...

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    April 19, 2017

  • A Revolutionary Thought

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    A Revolutionary Thought

    Years ago, I had a revolutionary thought while standing on a revolutionary spot. It was snowy, cold, and crowded. I don’t like crowds, but I didn’t see these people as a crowd—I saw them as individuals. I saw them as people like myself—as people with hopes, dreams, families, and lives as real a...

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    April 19, 2017

  • We Become What We Worship

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    We Become What We Worship

    It is an interesting truth: we become what we worship. That is to say, we emulate—or become like—the people (and things) we most admire. To understand this concept, we have to understand the origins of the word worship. The word worship comes from the Old English worðscip or wurðscip —or worthsh...

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    April 12, 2016

  • Hope Changes Everything

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Hope Changes Everything

    My new novel opens with what I can only describe as a dark, gloomy, and near-hopeless situation. It begins with a newborn baby boy being abandoned in a cemetery—left to die on a cold, October night. But he doesn't die, and I'll tell you why.

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    January 29, 2016

  • The Beauty of Your Brokenness

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    The Beauty of Your Brokenness

    This may surprise you, but if you are feeling tired and broken inside then you are probably in a very good place. Don’t get me wrong, a prolonged feeling of brokenness can be unhealthy and damaging—but periodic feelings of brokenness are actually quite necessary for overall growth. We become str...

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    January 29, 2016

  • “You Came From the Stars.”

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    “You Came From the Stars.”

    Even in the midst of terrible disasters, we can point to the smoke and wreckage and see hope—and in so doing "touch the face of God."

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    January 29, 2016

  • When A Loved One Commits Suicide

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    When A Loved One Commits Suicide

    When Ganel-Lyn learned about her sister's suicide, she said it felt "like a bowling ball smashed into my heart, then fell with a thud to my stomach." She says that the grief caused by suicide is "a different kind of grief," one that lingers, tears at the heart, and creates questions that lead to...

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    January 15, 2016

  • I’m Giving You My New Novel for FREE

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    I’m Giving You My New Novel for FREE

    After years of working on several different versions of my novel, and after six months of GRUELING work (seriously, this was the most challenging creative endeavor of my life) it’s published! And I’m giving the Kindle Edition away for FREE on December 15 and 16 (today and tomorrow). I’m doing th...

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    December 26, 2015

  • A Sneak Peak at My New Book!

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    A Sneak Peak at My New Book!

    Last week, I announced that I am finally publishing my first fiction novel on October 7th of this year. Today, I’m going to give you a sneak peak at some of the cover art (created by the exceptionally talented Howard Lyon), followed by some additional information about the book. Now, given the e...

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    August 2, 2015

  • How Losing Your Self-Esteem Is a Good Thing

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    How Losing Your Self-Esteem Is a Good Thing

    The burden you carry is partly because in our culture we view ourselves as separate individuals. So we think a lot about how we're doing—how we feel about ourselves. You don't need to do that. Let go of that. Because, in fact, we are not separate individuals but interconnected with each other.

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    August 2, 2015

  • BIG ANNOUNCEMENT – October 7!

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    BIG ANNOUNCEMENT – October 7!

    You may have noticed that I haven’t blogged much the past couple of months. I’ve put a lot of things on hold to chase a dream I’ve had for twenty years. Only now I’m done chasing it—it’s on the brink of coming true! On October 7th, I will publish my first fiction novel. I’ve been working on […]

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    July 29, 2015

  • Making Time Count

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Making Time Count

    You’ve probably heard it said that “time is money,” meaning that your time could be used to make money. But a team of philanthropists have recently developed an app that actually turns your time into a powerful force for good. The app is called Time Machine and it works a little something like t...

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    July 29, 2015

  • The Best Advice For Parents of Troubled Teens

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    The Best Advice For Parents of Troubled Teens

    "A lot of times, when I'm talking to parents...I ask them to consider this interview that we all imagine that we'll have with God..."

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    July 29, 2015

  • Did J.K. Rowling Just Prevent a Suicide?

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Did J.K. Rowling Just Prevent a Suicide?

    J.K. Rowling, author of the phenomenal Harry Potter series, may have just prevented a suicide. Remarkably, she didn’t do it through the use of magic, but through the use of words. This shouldn’t surprise us because words are, as Dumbledore stated, “our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable...

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    July 29, 2015

  • Don’t Give Up. The Cannons Are Coming…

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Don’t Give Up. The Cannons Are Coming…

    Whenever I’m feeling discouraged, I’m reminded of a true story from the American Revolutionary War. To me, this story is a testament of the power of persistence in the most difficult of circumstances. In January of 1776, the American cause was on the brink of ruin. In fact, things were so bad th...

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    May 28, 2015

  • Be the Sea of Galilee

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Be the Sea of Galilee

    The Middle East contains a number of significant landmarks and yet it also contains two bodies of water which, I think, offer profound guidance on how to live life. The name of these two bodies of water are: the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee. The Dead Sea is the lowest point of elevation on la...

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    May 26, 2015

  • Is the Husband Supposed to be the Leader?

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Is the Husband Supposed to be the Leader?

    Before the actual ceremony the minister took time to give a powerful bit of counsel. His words prompted me to change not only how I approach my marriage, but also my relationships with family and friends.

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    May 20, 2015

  • Baby, You’re NOT A Firework…

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Baby, You’re NOT A Firework…

    There’s a popular song by Katy Perry called Firework and I think I’ve always had a problem with it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate it—it’s certainly inspirational. But I’ve always felt like the message falls so dramatically short of the truth. Here are some of the lyrics from that song: Baby, ...

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    May 18, 2015

  • If You Aren’t Feeling Friction, You Aren’t Moving Forward

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    If You Aren’t Feeling Friction, You Aren’t Moving Forward

    We overcome the mountains in our lives by fighting our way onward and upward, not by floating downstream.

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    May 18, 2015

  • 30 Songs That Help Fight My Depression

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    30 Songs That Help Fight My Depression

    In my struggles with chronic depression, inspirational and uplifting music has been one of the keys to good health—and for good reason. A group of researchers at McGill University found that “Music boosts the body’s immune system and is more effective than prescription drugs in reducing anxiety....

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    May 18, 2015

  • Are You Exhausted By Faith?

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Are You Exhausted By Faith?

    “Does faith have to be this exhausting?” Those words echoed through my ears as I watched FREETOWN, a new movie about a group of missionaries caught in the middle of a war. The film is based on a true story and takes place in Monrovia, Liberia in 1990, at the beginning of the first Liberian civil...

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    April 20, 2015

  • 40 Days in the Wilderness

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    40 Days in the Wilderness

    My friend, Paul Cardall, is a talented, best-selling musician with an incredible life story. He was born with congenital heart disease and lived for thirty years with half a heart until 2008 when it began to fail. After waiting for a heart for over a year, Paul miraculously received a heart tran...

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    April 20, 2015

  • The Priceless Pearl

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    The Priceless Pearl

    The story is told of a man who hears a legend about a priceless pearl… I’ve traveled a lot this year and because my wife is in grad school I’ve had to go alone more often than not. On my last trip, I thought a lot about Kim and decided to write her a letter for […]

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    April 8, 2015

  • Monica Lewinsky’s TED Talk and The Scarlet Letter

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Monica Lewinsky’s TED Talk and The Scarlet Letter

    This may be the best TED talk I’ve ever heard—and that’s not an exaggeration… Between 1995-1997, Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern, had an affair with President Bill Clinton. When the relationship became public, Monica Lewinsky was made the center of a political scandal that rocked the Unite...

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    March 23, 2015

  • Our Most Valuable Resource

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Our Most Valuable Resource

    If I were to ask you what our most valuable resource is, what would you say? Money, gold, jewels, oil? Actually, it none of these things. In fact, the answer may surprise you. It’s water. Water is our most valuable resource—all life depends upon it. Many of the world’s deepest problems (poverty,...

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    March 23, 2015

  • Music That Can Heal the Depressed Heart

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Music That Can Heal the Depressed Heart

    “Music has the ability to reach someone’s soul.” -Jhonny K Although I’ve never seen Him, I firmly believe that God exists. For me, one of the most compelling evidences for divinity is music. There is something about music that seems to transcend mortality; it expresses the inexpressible. And I h...

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    March 11, 2015

  • Lift Another, Lift Yourself

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    Lift Another, Lift Yourself

    Today’s episode of Keep Moving Forward was inspired by the biography of Benjamin Franklin by Walter Isaacson. Franklin once said that to serve man is to serve God—and it’s so true! But this timeless truth goes even deeper than that, because I’ve learned that as we labor to lift other people, we ...

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    March 6, 2015

  • The Journey Home

    Seth Adam Smith posted a blog post

    The Journey Home

    It’s amazing how paintings and poems can speak to our hearts. I recently read the poem “Ithaka” by C. P. Cavafy and was struck by the symbolic meaning of “Ithaka.” For those of you who are unfamiliar with the word, Ithaka is the home of the legendary Odysseus, the hero of the Odyssey. Throughout...

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    March 6, 2015

  • sethsmith

    Seth Adam Smith is now a member of Berrett-Koehler Community

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