Organizational Development

Organizational Development

Strategic Analytics

How can leaders use analytics to effectively guide business decisions?

Leading Continuous Change

How should leaders decide where and how to most effectively focus their change initiatives?

Dialogic Organization Development

What if instead of planning change, we lived change?

Boards That Excel

How can board members help organizations excel?

Measuring and Improving Social Impacts

We all want to do good in the world, but how do we know if what we're doing is working?

Theory Building in Applied Disciplines

How will we meet the challenge of building and developing theory in an interdisciplinary fashion?

I'm Sorry I Broke Your Company

Do you absolutely hate and loathe consultants?

Engaging Emergence

Want to stay compassionate, creative, and wise in the midst of overwhelming change?

Sampling Strategies and Power Analysis

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Grounded Theory Research Methods

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Ethnographic Research Methods

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Historical Research Methods

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Survey Research in Organizations

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Multivariate Research Methods

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Case Study Research Methods

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Theory Development Research Methods

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Factor Analysis Methods

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Action Research Methods

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Meta-Analysis Methods

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Analyzing Qualitative Data

from BK Fast Fundamentals

The Art of Quantum Planning

What's a new way to bring imagination into your planning process?

Organizational Culture

Trust and Betrayal in the Workplace

This new edition of a classic, bestselling book has been revised and updated throughout and includes a new chapter on “Fo...

A Complaint Is a Gift

A completely revised and updated edition of one of the first books to show that customer complaints are actually valuable...


Could you find energy in risk, opportunity in the unknown, and possibility in the people all around you?

Ten Thousand Horses

How can you turn employees from dutiful drones to committed contributors?

Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!

Rather than trying to change people, why not try to change the conditions in which they interact?

Finding Our Way

How can organizations be more like responsive, self-organizing systems?

Covert Processes At Work

Do you want to understand and deal with the hidden forces blocking change in your organization?

Consulting Mastery

Do you want to be the kind of extraordinary consultant that transforms organizational culture?

DEC Is Dead, Long Live DEC

Are you curious why promising new high tech companies sometimes dramatically fail?

Positive Organizational Scholarship

Would you like your organization to reflect the best of the human condition?

Change Is Everybody's Business

How can people come to realize their own power to support, stymie or redirect change?

The Inclusion Breakthrough

What if a culture of inclusion and diversity could have measurable results on your bottom line?

Identity Is Destiny

How can your brand be your north star?

A Company Discovers Its Soul

Are you seeking real, profound change for your company, that goes beyond the buzzwords?

Dial 9 to Get Out!

Do you desperately need to see the absurd and funny side of business life?

Organizational Design

Boards That Excel

How can board members help organizations excel?


Could you find energy in risk, opportunity in the unknown, and possibility in the people all around you?

Seeing Systems

When improving organizations, how can you learn to see the systems moving beneath the surface?

Finding Our Way

How can organizations be more like responsive, self-organizing systems?

One From Many

How do companies like VISA adapt their organizational philosophy to our increasingly chaotic world?

Positive Organizational Scholarship

Would you like your organization to reflect the best of the human condition?

Responsible Restructuring

Did you know that layoffs usually cause long-term harm? Want to know the alternatives?

Zero Space

What if you could achieve business success without owning assets and without management?

What We Learned in the Rainforest

How can you apply the principles of a complex living system to your business organization?

The Beauty of the Beast

How can we imagine the organizations we would be proud to create?

A Simpler Way

How can we make life less arduous and more delightful?

The Future of Staff Groups

Who are the overlooked power brokers in corporations?

The Intelligent Organization

What if instead of trying to get bureaucracy to work better, we just abolished it?

Organizational Change

Leading Continuous Change

How should leaders decide where and how to most effectively focus their change initiatives?

Dialogic Organization Development

What if instead of planning change, we lived change?

I'm Sorry I Broke Your Company

Do you absolutely hate and loathe consultants?

The Change Cycle

How do you help people emotionally cope with organizational change?

Seeing Systems

When improving organizations, how can you learn to see the systems moving beneath the surface?

Covert Processes At Work

Do you want to understand and deal with the hidden forces blocking change in your organization?

Appreciative Intelligence

Would you like to develop appreciative intelligence and spread it throughout your organization?

Consulting Mastery

Do you want to be the kind of extraordinary consultant that transforms organizational culture?

Structured On-the-Job Training

How can we use structured on-the-job training as an organizational change strategy?

The Success Case Method

What if you had a fast, efficient way to identify success in any change method you are implementing?

Change Is Everybody's Business

How can people come to realize their own power to support, stymie or redirect change?

The Inclusion Breakthrough

What if a culture of inclusion and diversity could have measurable results on your bottom line?

Preferred Futuring

How can your organization envision the future it wants and get itself there?

Real Time Strategic Change

How can you make change and improvement a part of all the organizational processes?


Want more flexible approaches to organizations and strategy?

The Intelligent Organization

What if instead of trying to get bureaucracy to work better, we just abolished it?

A Company Discovers Its Soul

Are you seeking real, profound change for your company, that goes beyond the buzzwords?

Organizational Effectiveness

Strategic Analytics

How can leaders use analytics to effectively guide business decisions?

Measuring and Improving Social Impacts

We all want to do good in the world, but how do we know if what we're doing is working?

Theory Building in Applied Disciplines

How will we meet the challenge of building and developing theory in an interdisciplinary fashion?

I'm Sorry I Broke Your Company

Do you absolutely hate and loathe consultants?

A Complaint Is a Gift

A completely revised and updated edition of one of the first books to show that customer complaints are actually valuable...

Analysis for Improving Performance

How can you design Performance Improvement programs that perfectly match your organization?

Making the Impossible Possible

Want to know how to complete a project 60 years ahead of schedule, and $30 billion under budget?

The Wall Street Diet

Would you like a complete, integrated approach to become a lean, healthy business enterprise?

One From Many

How do companies like VISA adapt their organizational philosophy to our increasingly chaotic world?

You Don't Have To Do It Alone

What if you could make collaboration an asset in your work and your life?

DEC Is Dead, Long Live DEC

Are you curious why promising new high tech companies sometimes dramatically fail?

Action Inquiry

Are you looking for a quick and reliable way to transform your company?

Positive Organizational Scholarship

Would you like your organization to reflect the best of the human condition?

Images of Organization

Want a methodology for filtering out superficial management fads, & identifying what really works?

Corporate Tides

Are you curious about the basic laws of structure that determine a corporation's success or failure?

Business Partnering for Continuous Improvement

How can you make everyone involved in your BK Business a true partner?

Systems Thinking

Engaging Emergence

Want to stay compassionate, creative, and wise in the midst of overwhelming change?

The Art of Quantum Planning

What's a new way to bring imagination into your planning process?

Seeing Systems

When improving organizations, how can you learn to see the systems moving beneath the surface?

The Wall Street Diet

Would you like a complete, integrated approach to become a lean, healthy business enterprise?

One From Many

How do companies like VISA adapt their organizational philosophy to our increasingly chaotic world?

Leading Systems

How can we apply systems thinking in the field of leadership?

What We Learned in the Rainforest

How can you apply the principles of a complex living system to your business organization?

Whole-Scale Change

What if you had a proven, flexible framework that leads to aligned action by thousands of people?

A Simpler Way

How can we make life less arduous and more delightful?

Business Partnering for Continuous Improvement

How can you make everyone involved in your BK Business a true partner?