BK Expert Directory > Become a BK Expert


Generate new leads and clients for your consulting, training, coaching, or speaking business.

In order to be accepted into the BK Expert Directory, you must either be a Berrett-Koehler author, have been recommended by a Berrett-Koehler author or BK staff member.

Click here to get started.

Any questions? Email experts@bkpub.com.

Deeper Connections

Our mission statement is Connecting People and Ideas to Create a World That Works for All. We’ve been connecting people and ideas for decades, although we’re always looking for new ways to do that. But we want to connect people to people too, which is the raison d’être for the BK Expert Directory.

There is tremendous expertise in the Berrett-Koehler community, but until recently, the written word (in print and digital form) was the only way for us to share it. The BK Expert Directory allows anyone access to that expertise in a much broader and deeper way—in person. And it gives the experts in the directory access to a new source of clients, many of whom will already be familiar with their work.

Find an Expert!

The BK Expert Directory is completely free for anyone looking for an expert. Your future clients can look for a specific expert by name, find someone who works in your area, or do a keyword search. They can look for people with expertise in general areas such as leadership development, management skills, and public service.  Or they can drill down and look for very specific kinds of expertise, such as Appreciative Inquiry, emotional intelligence, and team building. And they can look for experts in certain “Distinguished Groups,” such as BK authors and people who are certified in specific methodologies.

Clients can also search by multiple criteria. Maybe they want someone from the BK Authors Distinguished Group who is an expert in Open Space Technology, strategic planning, negotiation, and business analytics—the BK Expert Directory will find people who match these needs. And the search results will display all of a directory member’s areas of expertise. You might start out looking for people with experience in talent development and find they also are experts in employee engagement, and come to think of it, maybe that’s something else you could use help with.

Highly Selective

This is a very select collection of experts. To get listed you need to be a BK author, be recommended by a BK author or staff member, or be a member of one of the aforementioned Distinguished Groups. After March 31, 2016, experts will pay a small annual fee ($25–$75) to be listed. Experts in the directory are asked to give Berrett-Koehler 10 percent of any fees they receive from their first engagement with a client they get through the directory. (Fees from subsequent engagements are all theirs.) They also have to sign the BK Expert Directory Pledge, promising to align their professional work with the mission of creating a world that works for all.

Growing Community

Not only does the BK Expert Directory provide a valuable service, we also see it as a way to grow and diversify the Berrett-Koehler community. While our own authors form the bedrock of the service, we anticipate that it will expand beyond that base as they recommend it to the people they know, and those people recommend it to the people they know, and so on. We hope that through this kind of “network effect,” we will be able to greatly expand the reach and range of our community.

We’re also aggressively marketing the BK Expert Directory. On the expert side, we’re seeking experts through online efforts and trade show exhibits and by actively seeking out new Distinguished Groups. On the client side, our new sales team will reach out to decision makers at corporations, nonprofits, and government organizations who would hire experts through the directory.

How Do I Sign Up?

BK experts are highly vetted. To be listed in the BK expert directory, you must either be a Berrett-Koehler author, have been recommended by a Berrett-Koehler author or staff member, or belong to an approved training or accredited professional network.

Start by becoming a BK community member and sending us a listing request. Click here.

If you are already a BK website member, log in and click here.

Any questions? Email experts@bkpub.com.