John Perkins's Page

Inclusive Conversations

"What is impressive is not only how Winters builds a case for the urgency and need for bold, inclusive conversations but ...

Subtle Acts of Exclusion

This practical, accessible, nonjudgmental handbook is the first to help individuals and organizations recognize and preve...

The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety

This book is the first practical, hands-on guide that shows how leaders can build psychological safety in their organizat...

Diversity Beyond Lip Service

"La’Wana Harris has opened this coach’s eyes to the power of coaching practices to create new paths for diversity and inc...

7 Rules for Positive, Productive Change

Change is difficult but essential—Esther Derby offers seven guidelines for change by attraction, an approach that draws p...

Dig Your Heels In

Sought-after speaker and consultant Joan Kuhl arms young women with the tools they need to transform male-dominated corpo...

Compassionate Counterterrorism

Islamist terrorism is not about religion, says Leena Al Olaimy, an Arab Muslim, Dalai Lama Fellow, and social entrepreneu...

Networking for People Who Hate Networking

Most books for people who would rather get a root canal than face a roomful of strangers tell readers how to fight agains...

The Unwritten Rules of Managing Up

“This is a must-read for bosses and subordinates alike, as it exposes our flaws but teaches us how we can work together t...

Bedtime Stories for Managers

In forty-two succinct, surprising essays, legendary scholar Henry Mintzberg brings management down from the clouds and on...

The Critical Few

Without a deep understanding of your company’s culture, any change effort you undertake will fail. Bestselling author Jon...

The Law of Small Things

We are living in a time when dishonesty and duplicity are becoming commonplace. Each of us can fight this cultural corrup...

The Future of Packaging

Tom Szaky sets out to do the impossible – eliminate all waste. This book paints a future of a “circular economy” that rel...

Citizen Capitalism

Top Cornell law professor Lynn Stout and her coauthors Tamara Belinfanti and Sergio Gramitto offer a visionary but practi...

The Eight Essential People Skills for Project Management

Veteran project manager and University of California professor Zachary Wong identifies the eight most common people probl...

Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go

The new edition of a bestselling classic, Help Them or Grow Watch Them Grow offers advice on talent retention for the mod...

  • This Spring: A Special Webinar for Writers

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    This Spring: A Special Webinar for Writers

    How to Write a Bestseller in Times of Crises: Using the Power of Story to Accelerate Change By John Perkins We’ve entered the greatest revolution in history: The Consciousness Revolution. People around the world are waking up to the fact that we are facing huge crises. We must change. What is y...

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    April 19, 2017

  • You As Creator

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    You As Creator

    Join me this spring for my 4-session live webinar series for writers. More information at the bottom of this email. The power of our perceptions to alter reality is a theme that runs through lectures I’ve given at Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and more than 50 other universities and to over 3,000...

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    April 19, 2017

  • Trump: Exposing the Shadow

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Trump: Exposing the Shadow

    Back in the 1970s, economically developing countries were looked upon as nests of corruption. . . The United States, on the other hand, was considered to be – and for the most part was – above such massive corruption. That has totally changed. Drastically. Activities that would have been viewe...

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    April 19, 2017

  • The Perception Bridge: Building a Better Reality

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    The Perception Bridge: Building a Better Reality

    My success as chief economist at a major international consulting firm was not due to the lessons I learned in business school. It was not due to the competence of my staff of brilliant econometricians and financial wizards. Those things may have helped at times. But there was something else th...

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    September 30, 2016

  • Sleeping on a Volcano

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Sleeping on a Volcano

    Last night I slept on the slopes to Tungurahua, a highly active volcano in Ecuador. I felt the earth shiver, heard her rumble, and smelled her smoke. I was very conscious that this earth of ours, our home – what the local Quichua people refer to as Pachamama – is truly a Living Earth. A few da...

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    August 15, 2016

  • The Answer is Never Violence

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    The Answer is Never Violence

    Attorney General Loretta Lynch on July 8, 2016 said about the shooting of police officers in Dallas: “The answer is never violence.” I totally agree with the Attorney General. I have to wonder why President Obama and just about every other politician – Democrat and Republican alike – and just ...

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    July 27, 2016

  • Hit by the Chamber of Commerce’s Economic Hit Men

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Hit by the Chamber of Commerce’s Economic Hit Men

    NOTE: I will be teaching at the Omega Institute this summer. I’ve been interviewed by lots of journalists in the past month in response to the Panama Papers disclosures. A question I often get asked: “How do modern day economic hit men (EHMs) work?” One answer comes directly from recent reports...

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    July 12, 2016

  • What You Can Do to Fix a Broken System. You Personally!

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    What You Can Do to Fix a Broken System. You Personally!

    Note: Join me for my July workshop at the Omega Institute. Details at the bottom of this newsletter. “What can I do to fix a broken global economy? Me personally.” It’s a question I’ve heard a lot these past few months as I’ve crisscrossed the US speaking at TED venues, music concerts, the Worl...

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    July 12, 2016

  • Victories for Water Conservation Spur Action

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Victories for Water Conservation Spur Action

    NOTE: John will be teaching workshops on the Shift Network and on campus at the Omega Institute Rather than adding to the frenetic election discussion, I think it a good time to look at the resource that is replacing oil as the most important one for future economies—as well as the survival of ...

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    May 25, 2016

  • Surveillance: the Price for National Security?

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Surveillance: the Price for National Security?

    NOTE: John will be teaching workshops on the Shift Network and on campus at the Omega Institute! Should you trust corporations with your personal information? Who poses a bigger threat, corporations or the government? Last month a 15-year cover-up of government surveillance was revealed in the ...

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    May 20, 2016

  • Verizon Strike Highlights Need for Fair Policies

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Verizon Strike Highlights Need for Fair Policies

    NOTE: I will be teaching workshops on the Shift Network & at the Omega Institute! About 45,000 Verizon workers went on strike last month, making it the largest strike in the U.S. since the last Verizon strike in 2011. Their chief complaints include the outsourcing of jobs, job relocations, ...

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    May 20, 2016

  • U.S. Consumers Rein in Big Ag and Send A Strong Message about People Power

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    U.S. Consumers Rein in Big Ag and Send A Strong Message about People Power

    U.S. consumers celebrated a couple of victories over multinational food industry economic hit men (EHMs) last month: Under pressure from various consumer groups, the U.S. Senate rejected HR Bill 1599 that would have made labeling genetically modified organisms (GMOs) voluntary. Referred to as ...

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    May 4, 2016

  • Speak Up About Weapons Makers’ Power

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Speak Up About Weapons Makers’ Power

    In the wake of all-too-common school shootings, President Barack Obama issued an executive order earlier this year to increase funding for mental health care, firearm licensing and background checks; encourage research into smart gun technology; and require dealers who ship firearms to notify t...

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    May 4, 2016

  • Confessions of a Panama Papers Hit Man

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Confessions of a Panama Papers Hit Man

    As an Economic Hit Man (EHM) in the 1970s I spent a great deal of time in Panama. I hate to admit it, but I helped forge the system that has now been exposed in the Panama Papers. It is a system of legalized crimes. How else can we describe it? This EHM system has created a global economy where...

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    April 22, 2016

  • Treat Every Day Like Earth Day

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Treat Every Day Like Earth Day

    Spring is a time of renewal, highlighted by Earth Day this Friday. What if we didn’t reserve just one day for our planet and treated every day like Earth Day? The earth is offering us a strong message. The ice caps and glaciers are melting. The oceans are rising. Species are going extinct. This...

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    April 22, 2016

  • Pope Francis Highlights What Indigenous People Can Teach Us

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Pope Francis Highlights What Indigenous People Can Teach Us

    I was in Mexico last month, speaking at the San Miguel de Allende Writers’ Conference when Pope Francis arrived in the country. I heard and felt the excitement surrounding the Pope’s visit and his message—especially the one about indigenous people. Although he made headlines when, questioned ab...

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    April 12, 2016

  • Keep the Momentum Going to Bring About a Life Economy

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Keep the Momentum Going to Bring About a Life Economy

    Just a couple months into 2016… What an exciting year already! I started off the new year with a journey to Guatemala, where the group I led participated in sacred ceremonies with Mayan teachers and shamans in the highlands outside Antigua, the lowlands around Lake Peten Itza, amazing Tikal, an...

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    April 12, 2016

  • Wrangle Control from Credit Card Companies and Banks

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Wrangle Control from Credit Card Companies and Banks

    In The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, I write that today we have a failed global economy, a Death Economy that is based on debt, fear and the destruction of resources. In this blog I address the first of those: debt. I want to focus not on the type of debts I persuaded the leaders of c...

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    April 12, 2016

  • Making A Better World in the New Year

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Making A Better World in the New Year

    It is only a few weeks into 2016 and I’m excited by the commitments I’ve seen around the world in the movements to turn a death economy, based on wars and ravaging the earth’s resources, into a life economy that supports socially just political systems and environmentally sustainable and regene...

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    January 29, 2016

  • Students Rally to Create New Story

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Students Rally to Create New Story

    This past November, students rallied on college campuses around the U.S. in the Million Student March to advocate for a minimum wage hike, free tuition and the cancellation of all student debt. We can all be encouraged by this revolution and hope more people will take up the cause. The total U....

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    January 29, 2016

  • Take Action in the New Year

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Take Action in the New Year

    As 2015 rolled to an end, you may have been inundated by requests for donations from charitable organizations. You may be making plans now about whom you’ll donate to in the new year or would if you could afford to contribute money at all. It is important to understand that “donating” doesn’t n...

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    January 15, 2016

  • Taxes, Politics, Corporations & You

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Taxes, Politics, Corporations & You

    Here we are gearing up for another election year with chatter about taxes bubbling up as usual. From the ideas of flat taxes to reducing taxes to stimulate growth and beyond, you’re sure to hear even more about who should be taxed and who shouldn’t. It’s true that most middle income and poor fa...

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    December 26, 2015

  • Acts Of Terror Point To Failed Global System

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Acts Of Terror Point To Failed Global System

    The horrible terrorist attacks of recent months in Beirut, Paris, Mali, Nigeria, the West Bank and on the Russian plane are clear indications that the old approach to politics and economics that has resulted in a Death Economy is not working. It has become clear that violence only begets more v...

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    December 13, 2015

  • Reading the Signs of a Failed Global System

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Reading the Signs of a Failed Global System

    What motivated terrorists to attack Beirut, Paris, Mali, the West Bank, Nigeria, the Russian plane, and other locations last month? I believe that many of them are angry, violent, desperate people who are fighting against something they don’t believe in more than that they are embracing the pri...

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    December 13, 2015

  • Being Thankful in the Consciousness Revolution

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Being Thankful in the Consciousness Revolution

    By John Perkins This piece originally appeared on CSR Wire: “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”– Henry Ford Join me in Guatemal...

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    December 4, 2015

  • The Main Stream Media: Filtered Facts

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    The Main Stream Media: Filtered Facts

    By John Perkins Join fellow travelers and me in January 2016 as we travel to the land of the Maya: Guatemala. Details below. What we think we know about the world influences our deepest beliefs and passions. We interpret facts through our individual filters and decide from there what is good, ...

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    October 28, 2015

  • Neighbor to Neighbor – a Post 9/11 world

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Neighbor to Neighbor – a Post 9/11 world

    By John Perkins Join me in the Land of the Maya: Guatemala in January, 2016. Limited space still available. Details below. – This post was originally seen on CSRWire: It’s been more than a month since we observed the ...

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    October 28, 2015

  • Timeless Wisdom from the Indigenous People

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    Timeless Wisdom from the Indigenous People

    By John Perkins In December and January I will take small groups of people on sacred journeys to Latin America and amazing Indigenous teachers. There are still a few spots available. See below for more information. The Love Summit 2015 presented by Dream Change was a wonderful and inspiring di...

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    October 7, 2015

  • China’s Economy: A Warning and a Promise

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    China’s Economy: A Warning and a Promise

    By John Perkins This December and January I will be taking groups of people on sacred journeys to Latin America. There are still a few spots available. See below for more information. The relationship between China and the US has been something of a roller coaster, from frosty to cordial, and ...

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    August 20, 2015

  • TPP: For the People or For the Few?

    John Perkins posted a blog post

    TPP: For the People or For the Few?

    By John Perkins The Trans Pacific Partnership, TPP, is an international treaty a decade or more in the making, the contents of which have been kept from the public. It has been fiercely debated in Congress and has received criticism from around the world. Kept under lock and key like a classif...

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    July 29, 2015

  • johnperkins

    John Perkins is now a member of Berrett-Koehler Community

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