Great gift books

10 Steps to Successful Teams

Would you like to learn the best way to coach teams to success?

99 to 1

Would you like to know the true story behind the USA's dire income inequality?

A Higher Standard of Leadership

Would you like to know the secrets of Gandhi's inspirational leadership style?

A Leadership Kick in the Ass

Did you boss tell you to stop brown-nosing?

A Peacock in the Land of Penguins

Do you ever feel like a peacock in a land of penguins? Wonder what to do about standing out?

A Simpler Way

How can we make life less arduous and more delightful?

Accidental Genius

Would you like to learn a simple, easy technique for unlocking your creative powers?

Aligned Thinking

Looking for wisdom and insight which will make you feel less like you're trapped in the rat race?

All Together Now

How can we move from a "you're on your own" country to an "all together now" country?

America As Empire

What kind of empire should America be? The kind that ushers in the END of empire?

Answering Your Call

Are you determined to discover your calliing, the true reason you were put upon this planet?

Artful Work

Do you think work become better and more fulfilling when you approach it artistically?

Ask Outrageously!

Are you asking for what you want or just taking what you are given? Chances are, it’s the latter. Linda Swindling will te...

Be a Project Motivator

How do project managers achieve spectacular results when they have no direct authority over their team members? Here’s a ...

Be a Sales Superstar

Do you want to get better appointments and close more sales faster than ever before?


Are you tired of being small- do you want to expand to your fullest potential?

Be the Best Bad Presenter Ever

What if all the traditional advice for presenters is just plain wrong?

Be the Hero

Would you like to discover the stories about yourself that inspire you to greater heights?

Bedtime Stories for Managers

In forty-two succinct, surprising essays, legendary scholar Henry Mintzberg brings management down from the clouds and on...

Being Buddha At Work

How can you hold onto your calm, compassionate self in the midst of workplace stress and clamor?

Best Care Anywhere

Would you like to find out how a terrible health care system transforms itself into a wonderful one?

Breaking Through Gridlock

Use the power of authentic conversations to get create a better world.

Built To Love

How can you create products and services which really connect with a customer's emotions?

Capitalism 3.0

Can we "upgrade" capitalism by reclaiming the commons?

Capitalists Arise!

Capitalists really can help end income inequality.


Would you like to know the inner principles that drove a humble fishmonger to greatness?

Change Is Everybody's Business

How can people come to realize their own power to support, stymie or redirect change?

Change the Story, Change the Future

Can we change our culture's framing story to better honor humanity and the earth?

Citizen Capitalism

Top Cornell law professor Lynn Stout and her coauthors Tamara Belinfanti and Sergio Gramitto offer a visionary but practi...

Citizen Wealth

Do you think working people should be able to build a future that extends beyond paying next month's rent?

Claiming Your Place At the Fire

How do you stoke the wisdom gained in the first half of your life to burn more brightly in the second half?

Coaching to Win

Are you tired of the same old, outdated management techniques?

Coaching Up & Down the Generations

What adaptations should you make to your coaching style to speak to different generations?

Collective Visioning

How can activist groups recruit and give full voice to a truly diverse membership?

Completing Capitalism

Capitalism can heal the world. If we want it to.

Consensus Through Conversation

Do you want your employees to be passionately committed to a future that they have helped to shape?

Covert Processes At Work

Do you want to understand and deal with the hidden forces blocking change in your organization?

Creating Personal Presence

Bestselling author (Communicate with Confidence!, over 160,000 copies sold) Dianna Booher takes the mystery out of creati...

Crisis at Santa's Workshop

Have you ever wondered how Santa Claus, that paragon of efficiency, runs his workshop?

Crunch Time

Can you throw strikes under pressure in the workplace?

Culture Crossing

What nice hand gesture in your country can get you in trouble in another?

Deepening Community

How do we build deep communities that nurture our need for connection?

Dial 9 to Get Out!

Do you desperately need to see the absurd and funny side of business life?

Dignity for All

What actions can we take to end "rankism" in society?

Diversity Beyond Lip Service

"La’Wana Harris has opened this coach’s eyes to the power of coaching practices to create new paths for diversity and inc...

Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!

Rather than trying to change people, why not try to change the conditions in which they interact?

Dot Calm

Is technology making your life harder instead of easier?

Eat That Frog! Cards

Will these cards really help me stop procrastinating?

Effective Work Breakdown Structures

Learn new perspectives on how to apply the WBS to today's different types of projects for results!

Embrace the Chaos

Do you find yourself trying to control the chaos in your life, only to become more stressed?

Employee Surveys That Work

How can we design employee surveys that actually yield useful results?

Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute

Do you want to create a responsibility-oriented business culture?

Erasing Institutional Bias

All humans have bias, and as a result, so do the institutions we build. Internationally sought after diversity consultant...

Escape from Management Hell

Do you ever feel like you're trapped in management hell?

Executive Coaching for Results

Do you want to link the impact of your coaching to bottom-line results?

Expect the Unexpected Or You Won't Find It

Do you want to get your brain spinning creatively on novel solutions to the most intractable problems?

False Profits

Do you know why top economic policymakers fail to prevent economic disaster?

Fear Your Strengths

Have you noticed that a strength taken to an extreme can actually be a weakness?

Feeding Your Leadership Pipeline

How can smaller companies create effective Leadership Development programs?

Flight Plan

Want to hear secret of charting a course from rags to riches?

Formula 2 + 2

Do you dread giving feedback? Do you wish there was an easier way to broach difficult subjects?

Framing the Future

Do you want to understand the framing that works with persuadable voters?

From Analyst to Leader

Learn about analysts challenging leadership role as they become strategic leaders of change for their organizations.

Full Steam Ahead!

Do you want to find the compelling vision that unleashes your organization's power & potential?

Get Paid More and Promoted Faster

Do you want to apply the secrets and strategies used by the highest paid people in our society?

Getting Things Done When You Are Not in Charge

Do you want to know how to make a difference in your organization, regardless of your formal position?

Getting To Scale

Do value-driven BK Businesses have to choose between staying small and selling out?

Gifts from the Mountain

Are you inspired by nature to discover the simple truths in life's complexities?

Go Team!

Shouldn't a team take advantage of the full potential of ALL its members?

Going Horizontal

For every company like Zappos that has achieved the Utopia of an egalitarian business model, there are thousands that rem...

Great Leaders Grow

The authors of the bestseller The Secret (over 350,000 copies sold)—legendary bestselling author Ken Blanchard and top C...

Great Lessons in Project Management

Learn and understand the tools, techniques and methods needed to clarify difficult or problematic ethical situations and ...

Growing Local Value

What are strategies for benefiting your community and bottom line at same time?

Hands-On Training

Would you like to know how on-the-job training can be done more effectively?

Hello, My Name Is Awesome

Naming a business or product has always been challenging—and sometimes costly—for entrepreneurs and inventors, but it’s o...

Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go

The new edition of a bestselling classic, Help Them or Grow Watch Them Grow offers advice on talent retention for the mod...


Helping others is one of the most universal things that people do every day in their work and lives. Yet often this help...

Helping Your New Employee Succeed

How can new hires be MOST effective- and shouldn't their training go beyond the how-to of menial tasks?

How the Poor Can Save Capitalism

Can empowering the lower class save America's economy?

How to Change Minds

Have you ever been in a situation where the only way you could save someone was by changing their mind?

How to Succeed in Your First Job

Are you wondering how to make the most out of your new job?

Humble Leadership

Bestselling author and father of organizational culture studies, Edgar Schein and Peter Schein trail-blaze with a creativ...

I Moved Your Cheese

Who Moved My Cheese? – the biggest selling business book of all time with over 25 million copies in print — has some dece...

Implementing the Four Levels

Now that you know how to evaluate training programs, would you also like to implement them?

In Their Own Hands

How can savings groups help fight poverty across the globe?

Intrapreneuring in Action

How can you identify the natural entrepreneurs among your employees & harness their creative energy?

Invisible Capital

How can you evaluate the strength of the "invisible capital" that predicts your success as an entrepreneur?

Just Good Business

How can corporate social responsibilty become part of your brand?

Kiss That Frog!

Want to know the secret to removing procrastination from your life forever?

Know Can Do!

How to close the gap between what someone's digested intellectually, and what they actually do?

Leading in Turbulent Times

How can you lead in times of accelerating change and economic uncertainty?

Leading People Through Disasters

How can a company's leader be prepared for disaster to strike?

Learning to Use What You Already Know

What if correctly using your current knowledge could power as much innovation as NEW learning?

Let's Stop Meeting Like This

Is it possible to hold meetings that actually maximize productivity?

Let's Stop Meeting Like This (Audio)

Is it possible to hold meetings that actually maximize productivity?

Life Reimagined

For hundreds of millions of people around the world, there is a new life phase between middle age and old age: life reima...

Living in More Than One World

What if, instead of pursuing so-called "work-life balance," you could live fully in ALL facets of your life?

Love It, Don't Leave It

You hate your job, but you don't want to risk switching- what's something you can try?

Magnetic Service

What turns an ordinary customer into a devoted brand evangelist?

Make Talent Your Business

What if talent development could easily be worked into your day-to-day routine?

Managing by Values

More than recognizing values are important, how can you make them part of the work you do every day?

Managing for People Who Hate Managing

Do you find managing stressful?

Managing Project Integration

Apply today's best practices for managing information, processes and people to maximize success within the constraints of...

Managing Project Quality

Make breakthroughs in project quality by combining project management with quality management!

Managing Projects for Value

Apply today's best practices for managing information, processes and people to maximize success within the constraints of...

Maximizing Project Success through Human Performance

Learn about assessing problems and developing success through understanding human dynamics and psychology

Memoirs of a Recovering Autocrat

How can you manage your inner control freak?

Mission, Inc.

What makes the difference between success and failure for a social enterprise?

More Than Money

What do you want out of your career besides money?

Mother Teresa, CEO

Did you know that Mother Teresa brought ruthless business savvy to her charitable work?

Networking for People Who Hate Networking

Most books for people who would rather get a root canal than face a roomful of strangers tell readers how to fight agains...

No More Regrets!

What's the secret to living a life without regret?

On Our Own Terms

How do female CEOs make it to the top?

On Target

What systematic follow-up on your business plan is needed to keep your organization on-target?

On the Brink of Everything

From beloved bestselling author Parker J. Palmer (Let Your Life Speak) comes a beautiful book of meditations and reflecti...


Do you believe honest, face-to-face conversation is crucial in the workplace?

Online Learning Today

For what purposes should an organization use e-learning?

Open Space Technology

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Opening Doors To Teamwork and Collaboration

Want to know some tricks for making collaboration easier?

Our Common Wealth

How can the tragedy of the commons, become the miracle of the commons?

Outsmart Waste

What would happen if we redefined the concept of garbage?

Overfished Ocean Strategy

How can companies turn scarcity into opportunity?

Pacing for Growth

Find the perfect balance between growth and sustainability

Peer-to-Peer Leadership

How can we be effective leaders without relying on hierarchy?

Performance Networks

Concerned about performance networks? Working across government agencies and boundaries is difficult at any level of gove...

Plunder and Blunder

Are you sick of the rise & fall of the bubble economy?

Positive Leadership

This is the bestselling and leading introduction to the new field of positive leadership, which helps leaders in all type...

Positively M.A.D.

Are you inspired by tales of people who make a difference in the world despite all odds?

Power and Love

What's an approach to social change that takes into account people's conflicing inner motivations?

Power Through Partnership

How can strong female partnerships help women in the workplace?

Practicing Positive Leadership

Did you know you get better results as a leader by focusing on what's going right?

Pragmatic Project Management

Gain insight in how to choose the most appropriate approach for the size and complexity of the project

Predictive Evaluation

How can you measure the business effects of your training program?


What is the secret to delivering great customer service?

Professionalizing Business Analysis

Learn both the strategic and tactical roles of the business analyst!

Project Estimating and Cost Management

Improve the accuracy of project estimates and make better in-progress modifications by following the discipline-independe...

Project Leadership

Why is Project Leadership Important? Can you have a successful project without it? Read this book to find out!

Project Measurement

Need help determining the effectiveness of your management? Use this tool to understand the ins and outs of project measu...

Project Planning and Scheduling

This is the only book that makes all planning methods and tools available to project managers at all levels easy to under...

Project Risk Management

Gain the insight you need to clarify real requirements before you initiate project work


What does it really mean to be truly prosperous and happy?

Quiet Influence

What types of social influence are introverts naturally adept at performing?

Rebalancing Society

How can we get society back in balance?

Refire! Don't Retire

How can retirement be less about winding down, and more about carrying out new dreams?

Refire! Don't Retire (Audio)

How can retirement be less about winding down, and more about carrying out new dreams?

Responsible Restructuring

Did you know that layoffs usually cause long-term harm? Want to know the alternatives?

Rise of the American Corporate Security State

When the government and the corporations are teaming up to steal our privacy, what can we do?

Rooftop Revolution

What if solar power was far more effective than the dirty-energy special interests would have you know?

Safe Enough to Soar

Bestselling authors and renowned diversity consultants Fred Miller and Judith Katz bring their long-awaited new book that...

Safe Enough to Soar (Audio)

Bestselling authors and renowned diversity consultants Fred Miller and Judith Katz bring their long-awaited new book that...

Seeing Red Cars

How can you rewire your brain to focus on positive outcomes and draw them towards you?

Share This!

How can we use the Internet to change the narrative & get marginalized voices heard?

Shifting Sands

How do you cope with challenges that are not straightforward- when there seem to be no landmarks?

Six Sigma for Project Managers

Six Sigma for Project Managers explores the concepts that project managers need to know to make six sigma work for their ...

Small Change

What's wrong with applying market logic to social problems & social good organizations?

Smart Videoconferencing

How can you make the videoconference equipment your friend?

So Far from Home

When you fight for change and don't achieve it, how can you refresh your spirit to keep on fighting?

So You're New Again

How can you succeed when you change jobs?

Solving Tough Problems

How can we practice open & creative problem-solving in polarized, high-stake situations?

Something to Live For

What do you want the second half of your life to be- a decline, or a journey of discovery & growth?

Spiritual Capital

What would capitalism that respected all living beings look like?

Stand up to Stigma

Learn how you can undo the processes and effects of stigma

Stop Guessing

Get to the right answer quickly and effectively.

Surveying Fundamentals for Business Analysts

This book gives clear guidelines on how to create effective surveys for analysis

Sustainable Happiness

What's the alternative to materialism, the real pathway to deep and lasting happiness?

Take Charge of Your Talent

Don't we benefit most when we develop EVERYONE's talent, not just the "high potentials?"

Ten Thousand Horses

How can you turn employees from dutiful drones to committed contributors?

The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

What personality traits do all self-made millionaires have in common?

The 4-Dimensional Manager

How can managers learn to support people with all different working styles?

The Abundant Community

Bestselling authors John McKnight and Peter Block offer compelling new understanding of how and why community has been lo...

The Art of Convening

How can you convene a meeting where people genuinely express themselves & genuinely listen?

The Art of Insight

Wouldn't it be nice to have insights when you needed them, instead of waiting for inspiration to strike?

The Art of Quantum Planning

What's a new way to bring imagination into your planning process?

The Blind Men and the Elephant

What can you do to make your team project flow smoothly when everyone only sees their own piece of it?

The Business Analyst as Strategist

Master business analysis competencies with this in depth look at successful strategies!

The Change Cycle

How do you help people emotionally cope with organizational change?

The Confidence Myth

What if everyone telling you, "You need more confidence!" is totally misunderstanding the problem?

The Connect Effect

How can you take a conscious, systematic approach to networking?

The Cornerstones of Engaging Leadership (with CD)

Learn how to unleash the potential of others and inspire effective performance.

The Discomfort Zone

How can leaders navigate the awkward conversations which help people grow?

The Female Vision

How can businesses use the feminine perspective to their advantage?

The Five Commitments of a Leader (with CD)

Elevate your potential and success as a leader with this inspirational book and CD!

The Five Legends

Drawing on 30 years of helping families, this profound fable by the Anasazi Foundation illustrates the true anguish of co...

The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die

What answers would you get if you asked the happiest people you knew, about the secrets to a happy life?

The Five Thieves of Happiness

Have your banished your happiness thieves today?

The Future of Staff Groups

Who are the overlooked power brokers in corporations?

The Government Manager's Guide to Appropriations Law

This guide offers sound and easy-to-apply advice to help government managers deal with appropriated funds properly and le...

The Government Manager's Guide to Contract Law

Confused by Government contracts? Look no further than here to get the ins and outs of federal contracts!

The Government Manager's Guide to Contract Negotiation

Learn to be an ideal contractor when working with federal contracts! Learn to be an ideal contractor when working with fe...

The Government Manager's Guide to Earned Value Management

Learn how to maximize earned value management as a project management resource.

The Government Manager's Guide to Leading Teams

Inspire and direct a cooperative team with the help of this book!

The Government Manager's Guide to Plain Language

Confused by federal project management? This book will have the answers to your questions!

The Government Manager's Guide to Project Management

Source seletion can be a confusing subject, but this book will give you the clarity needed to make decisions geared for s...

The Government Manager's Guide to Strategic Planning

Create a work flow to account for the issues you expect and the problems you don't!

The Government Manager's Guide to The Statement of Work

What is a statement of work? Peek inside for help navigating the complications in federal planning!

The Government Manager's Guide to the Work Breakdown Structure

Work breakdown structures are implemental in creating systems that work for public servants.

The Greater Goal

How can the mission statement be something we do more than frame & stick on the lobby wall?

The Hamster Revolution for Meetings

Are you sick of wasting endless time in meetings?

The Highest Goal

How can finding your higher purpose help unlock your creativity?

The Idea-Driven Organization

Some businesses use front line worker ideas to help profits skyrocket- how do they do it?

The Idea-Driven Organization (Audio)

Some businesses use front line worker ideas to help profits skyrocket- how do they do it?

The Improvisation Edge

How to achieve fearless participation and selfless collaboration in the workplace?

The Influence Edge

As you must to get things done, how can you influence people over whom you have no direct control?

The Innovation Code

Innovation comes from creative tension, not harmonious interaction, says “Dean of Innovation” Jeff DeGraff. He identifies...

The Innovation Code Card Game

Am I an Artist, Athlete, Sage, or Engineer?

The Insider's Guide to Supervising Government Employees

Whether you are new to the supervisory role or a seasoned supervisor working to improve your and your staff’s performance...

The Intelligent Optimist's Guide to Life

Since being an optimist increases your effectiveness, isn't it the most pragmatic choice?

The Introverted Leader

As an introvert, do you feel excluded, overlooked, or misunderstood in the workplace?

The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus

What lessons can we find in the New Testament for the modern-day work world?

The Long-Distance Leader

Leadership First, Locations Second. As more organizations adopt a remote workforce, the challenges of leading at a distan...

The Magic of Tiny Business

In The Magic of Tiny Business, by ECOBAGS® founder and pioneering green business champion, Sharon Rowe shows entrepreneur...

The Memo

America’s poor, working poor, and middle class are in a waiting game they cannot win. Jobs will not come, times will not ...

The Millennial Myth

Unlocking and harnessing modern talent will be the key to survival in the future. Are you prepared to lead?

The New Social Learning

How can you use social media as a training tool? How can it foster collaboration & innovation in business?

The Nonviolence Handbook

What will convince people that nonviolence is not the path of the weak but the path of the strong?

The Nonviolence Handbook (Audio)

What will convince people that nonviolence is not the path of the weak but the path of the strong?

The One Minute Negotiator

How can you conquer your fear of negotation and make the process successful & stress-free?

The Pause Principle

A bestselling thought leader turns standard thinking on it's head--leadership is not all action. It's also reflection and...

The Power of Failure

How can you use your failures to rocket you towards long-term success?

The Prompt Payment Act Answer Book

Understand the ins and outs of the Prompt Payment Act!

The Quest for Authentic Power

Could you achieving your deepest desires without manipulation, coercion, or intimidation?

The Reciprocity Advantage

What is your hidden right-of-way that you can leverage to grow your business?

The Resilient Investor

How can you prepare not just your finances, but also your life, to be ready for whatever the unexpected future might hold...

The Self-Made Myth

What if "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps" was actually a straw man, a myth, with no root in reality?

The Sergeant Major Syndrome

How can you stop pressing your face against the glass ceiling and find the stairs?

The Seven Paths

What happens when an individualistic approach to self-help is not enough?

The She Spot

How can expand your outreach to connect with women in addition to men? Think both/and, not either/or.

The Six Secrets of Raising Capital

Did you know most entrepreneurs overlook some of the most effective ways to raise capital?

The Social Labs Revolution

What kind of multi-stakeholder approach is powerful enough to truly address complex social problems?

The Spirit of Leadership

How can embracing the inner spirit of leadership enhance your organization's performance and its people?

The Triple Constraints in Project Management

Project management can be complex! This book will add new layers to understanding the depths of being the ultimate progra...

The Truth about Lies in the Workplace

How can you tell if someone's lying - and what do you do if they are?

The Unwritten Rules of Managing Up

“This is a must-read for bosses and subordinates alike, as it exposes our flaws but teaches us how we can work together t...

The Wisdom of Solomon at Work

What lessons are there in the Hebrew Bible for Leaders today?

This Changes Everything

How did the Occupy! movement change the way we understand our own society?

Three Deep Breaths

Would you like a simple technique to transform tough situations into positive, energizing experiences?

Time and the Soul

In Time and the Soul Jacob Needleman uses stories-of a middle-aged psychiatrist going back in time to encounter his young...

Transferring Learning to Behavior

Could you get the people you train to apply what they learn when the training is over?

Transformative Scenario Planning

What if you had a constructive way for actors from across a system to transform the system together?

True North Groups

Could you build an effective, supportive True North Group to challenge, inspire and propel you to success?

True Partnership

How can you reframe your understanding of partnership to make your organization thrive?

True To Yourself

How can you build a successful business the helps the planet, serves people, and excels financially?

Turning People into Teams

Collaborative strategies work when they're designed by teams—where each person is heard, valued, and held accountable. Th...

Turning to One Another

Bestselling author Margaret Wheatley (Leadership and the New Science, over 250,000 copies sold) proposes that we use the ...

Unite and Conquer

How can progressives use tactics of inclusivity to achieve the social change they advocate?

Up Is Not the Only Way

Bestselling author Beverly Kaye (Love ’Em or Lose ’Em—700,000 copies sold), joins coauthors Lynn Cowart and Lindy William...

Values Sell

How can you leverage creativity and relationships to ensure that you values-driven products compete?

Values-Driven Business

What if you could start or transform a business into a successful, values driven organization?

Whale Done Parenting

What can killer whales teach us about Parenting?

What To Do When There's Too Much To Do

What if you could DO less and ACHIEVE more?

What Your Boss Really Wants From You

Do you ever feel like your boss is impossible to read?

Who Kidnapped Excellence?

What is excellence, and how can we use it to become the best version of ourselves?

Why People Don’t Believe You…

For some, projecting confidence and credibility is second nature. For others, it seems like a foreign language they’ll ne...

Why Wait to be Great?

How do you get past what's holding you back and embrace the power of your best self?

With Liberty and Dividends for All

How can dividends save Americans from a collapsing economy?

Yes Lives in the Land of No

How would you like it if NO was actually your pathway to YES?

You Don't Have To Do It Alone

What if you could make collaboration an asset in your work and your life?

You Unstuck

What's keeping you trapped, unable to move forward in work or life?

You Unstuck (Audio)

What's keeping you trapped, unable to move forward in work or life?

You're Addicted to You

Do you want to learn ways to overcome your deepest inner challenges and barriers?

Your Happiness Was Hacked

“Technology is a great servant but a terrible master. This is the most important book ever written about one of the most ...

Your Leadership Legacy

Are you leaving a lasting legacy that involves living the values you espose?

Your Leadership Story

How can you better understand the dynamic ways your leadership effects others?

Your Leadership Story (Audio)

How can you better understand the dynamic ways your leadership effects others?

Your Life Isn't for You

How can focusing on others save you from yourself?


Could you find energy in risk, opportunity in the unknown, and possibility in the people all around you?

ZIP! Tips

How can we be productive when our work lives are stressful and overwhelming?